Thursday 29 November 2012



Singar Koil

         Kaatazhagiya Singaperumal temple is located 100yards East of Srirangam Railway Station. Moolavar Chaturbhuja Narasimha is seen with his two upper hands holding a Conch and Chakra while his lower hand is in an Abhaya posture. Goddess Lakshmi is seen seated on the left thigh of Narasimha and holds buds in both her hands. Interestingly, both the feet of Goddess Lakshmi can be seen at this temple.

       Centuries ago, this Kshetram was referred to as Velli Thirumutham. Only much later, after the construction of the Ranganatha temple did this place come to be called Thiruvarangam. The Singaperumal temple was built by Vallabhadeva Pandya and has an imposing Vimana. In the 15th Century AD, Chakra Raya colonised the precincts of the Shrine of Kaatazhagiya Singar and renovated the shrine. The Maha Mantapa at the Singar temple has Vijayanagar style pillars.

This Kshetram was a forest thousands of years ago, surrounded by the two rivers- Cauvery in the South and Coloroon in the North, and inhabited only by the rishis and their families. Time and again, wild animals would attack the families of the rishis and consume them for a meal.
While the rishis had the power to burn the animals just by their looks, they would not forego the fruits of their penance by killing these wild animals. Instead they undertook a more severe form of penance invoking the blessings of Lord Narasimha. 

         Pleased with their prayers, Lord Narasimha appeared here providing darshan to these rishis. As per their request, he stayed here with Goddess Lakshmi protecting the lives of all those who offer their sincere prayers at this place. 

               The idol of Lakshmi Narasimha here is a Svayambu moorthy and the temple was built and renovated at later periods of time. No inscriptions are found relating to the period of construction of the outer walls. 

As the Lord appeared here in the middle of a forest and stayed back to protect the devotees, he came to be called ‘Kaattu’ Azhagiya Singar. 

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