Thursday 22 November 2012



Srirangam Rajagopuram       


          The Srirangam history occupies an important place in the spiritual history of India as one of the majority worship place of Vishnuism (vainavam in Tamil), which Grow vigorously particularly in the south from the seventh to the thirteenth centuries. It was the seat of a school of philosophy whose most outstanding leader was the famous Vaishnava teacher (aacharyar in tamil) Ramanujar (Eleventh to Twelfth Centuries)

         The origin of the temple srirangam history is entirely mythological and acceptable evidences are there, that its first architectural from is traditionally attributed to Chola kings of whose existence there is no historical proof. But in to ancient times the references to the temple in Silappdigaram, a Sangam Work(Tamil sangam ) in the collection “the four thousand Hymns” (NalayarathivyaPrabatahngal) they explain the god of Srirangam lord Sri ranganatha, Vishnu reposing(Tharisanam in tamil) with the goddess Lakshmi on the coach of the thousand – hooded serpent (in tamil aayeram thalai nagam), known as Ranganatah in its southern form , or as the Seshasayanamurti or the Anantasyasna of the Vishnu- Narayana of Classical northern Vishnuism; a cosmic god who is one of the specific figures of the cult of Vaishnava Bhakti(1), a concept of which goes back to the Rig veda

         Srirangam History got importent during the Invasion of some jealous Muslim emperors (1310-1311) Srirangam was captured and the riches were looted. The invaders did not want to accept the rituals of Hinduism. They took off the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal and plundered the treasures, jewels and ornaments which belonged to Srirangam temple. The statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal was sent to Delhi. In Delhi Alagiyamanavalar Perumal got a devotee, who cared Him like a mother. Yes, it was the daughter of the Sultan. At the very moment she saw the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal, she suddenly turned into an aficionado of Perumal. She fell in love with Perumal. She never left Perumal even a bit.  

           The Sultan didn\'t expect this. The Sultan surrendered the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal back to Guru Ramanujar. The Daughter of Sultan could not bear this. At last in a divine scene she disappeared in air mysteriously. She possesses a separate temple near Srirenganathar temple and people worship her. She is called "Thulukka Nachiyar". The moral is, Perumal never wants to miss even a single devotee.

           Even after this incident Srirangam was often attacked and ransacked by various mughal emperors. After the rise of Vijayanagara Kingdom the atrocities of the Mughal Sultans came to an end. King of Vijaya Nagar"Krishna deva Rayar" realized the importance of this sacred city and prioritized Srirangam as equal as Thiruppathi and bequeathed a plenty of treasures, jewels and lands to Srirangam temple. During his period the Srirangam temple was well reformed and many plans were executed for the growth and people welfare and so Srirangam got developed rapidly.

              Srirangam temple Sri Raganatha swami is blessing in three different islands of the holy river Cauvery. It flows from Karnataka to Tamilnadu. The first island is Sriranga Patinam and it is called Aathirnagam (Origin of Rangam), located in Mysore (125 km distance from Bangalore to Mysore route). The second island is Sivanasha Samuthiram and it is called Mathiyarnagam (Middle of Rangam), situated 70 km distance from Srirangapatinam. The third island is Thiru navalantheevu and it is called Srirangam and also called Antharngam (last part of Rangam - meaning of heaven) is situated in Tamilandu, Trichirappalli district, India. Sriranagm temple is 7 km away from the Trichirappalli Junction (in the south 321 km from Chennai and in the north east 200 km from Madurai approximately). Srirangam can be reached by bus and train (International airport is also available in Trichy). This prehistoric architectural temple welcomes all pilgrims and tourists with open arms.

          Sriranganatha swami at Srirangam temple, sriranganathar is called Anatha Sayana Perumal (seen in lying position in the five headed snake) and blesses with his three wives namely Sridevi, Boodevi and Renganachiyar in the first enclosure of temple Srirangam. Srirangam temple is covered by 7 enclosures namely:
Thirunazhi Enclosure
Rajamahendra Enclosure
Kulasegaran Enclosure
Aalinadan Enclosure
Agalangan Enclosure
Thiruvikraman Enclosure (Utra Street, in Tamil uthra veedhi)
Kalugaraman Enclosure (Chitra Street, in Tamil chithirai veedi).
Srirangam Temple constitutes of 24 Acres including the 5th enclosure and a total of 156 Acres including the 6th and 7th enclosures. Towards the South direction of the Srirangam temple stands the Rajagopuram (literal:royal tower) which had been started to get constructed by the Nayakar Kings 400 years ago and it was completed in part. The Agobila abbey (cult of vishnuishm) concerned of Rajagopuram and they built with 236 feet height, 13 tired and 13 Copper buds (kalasam) and carried out the kumbabishekam in year 1987. Srirangam has attained the status of Asia's first biggest tower.
Srirangam Temple keeps following Sukla yajure vedha inner division Vagineye Ganva for its daily worshipping practise.

Srirangam Temple Motcha Ramanujar

             Motcha (attaining the status of no re-birth by residing at the feet of Lord) Ramanujar lived and worshipped Srirangam Perumal at Srirangam temple very long time. After the end of his life he got Motcham. Then his student did mummification of his body in the position of Badmasanam using ayurvedaha Muligai (herbal plants). But mythology explains that his corpus arose out of the earth with no human intervention. Aacharya Ramanuja is blessing in a separate sannadhi (temple) in the srirangam temple of 3rd enclosure. No abishekam is conducted for his body. 

            The holy ceremony of applying saffron with Cinnamomum camphora on the divine corpus of Aacharya Ramanuja is celebrated twice in a year at an appropriate interval, in order to preserve the holy body of Sriramanuja, which is fully immersed in the thoughts of Sri Narayana than nothing else.
Cauvery water Abishegam

              In the Tamil month of Aani (month of July) on the day of the star "Keytayam" Srirangam temple Swami Ranganathar will be coated with "herbal fragrance oil"(Thailabisegam), and on the same day 22pots of Holy Cauvery water (Abisegam) will be spilled out on Him. On this day only His golden costumes will be unrobed.  

Srirangam Temple Adiperukku festival 

              Sriranganathar at Srirangam temple swami will be getting Jostabisegam from the 48th day of Adiperukku urchavam. People celebrate the festival on Aadi 28th or Aadi 18th (in the end of July) at Srirangam Amma mandpam. On that day Swami Ranganathar will give blessing to his devotees and people give saris, kungumam (vermillion powder - a holy thing of Hinduism), Katholai, Karugamani (Pam tree leaf ring for years and black coloured artificial Pearl) as a present to mother Cauvery. These gifts are taken from the temple by the temple elephant called Aandal and then let float on the river Cauvery.

Narasimar in Srirangam temple

             Kambar (a prehistoric Tamil poet) was revealing (arangetram in Tamil) Ramayana in Srirangam temple at Kambar Arangetra mandbam (literal: hall) for the first time. On his Ramayana he wrote about Lord Narasimmar. But others did not accept his opinion and criticised that he was blabbing. Kambar was frustrated and came under stress. He prayed to Narasimmar. At the same moment Lord Narasimmar appeared on the pillar and roared.  Everyone regretted that, they had put baseless blame on Kambar. Since Lord Narasimma appeared there for his devotee, he is called Metalagiya Narasimmar. 

Srirangam Temple Amutha Kalasa Garudalvar

              Amudha kalasa Garudalvar (meaning: King of birds) has a separate Sannathi (temple). Swami Srirnganatha demolished Asuras (demons) and rescued back the Vedas from them. He asked Garudalvar to keep the Vedas preserved. In order to execute the order of Lord Vishnu, Garudalvaar preserves Vedas in Kalasam (small pot) on his hand. His statue is made up of Salak wood. Here special pooja is made for Garudalvar with jasmine and turmeric. Garudalvaar relieves those who are suffering from nightmares and hallucinations. Those who are affected by the radiations and the transitions of the planets Uranus and Neptune will be safeguarded by Garudalvaar. Garudalvaar open His wings (whose width and height are immeasurable), covers His devotees and preserves them from all sorts of harmful causes.
Srirangam Temple Thaniya laksmi anna perumal

             Thaniya laksmi (Goddess) anna perumal sannidhanam (sub temple) is in the 2nd enclosure, by blessing us with Sri Krishna on Her right hand side and with Narasimar on Her left hand side. It's an amazing and unique position among the Hindu vaisnava temples.  Thaniya lakshmi shelters those who are affected by the planet Venus (Sukran). Those who trust Her, will not feel the pinch of hunger. In Srirangam temple at special poojas silks and white been seed are used. Thaniya laksmi is the direct Avataram of Sri Ranganathar and she looks with thanyam (literal: spices and maize) and kalasam (a small pot). On every bramochavam Sriranganathar gives Thaniyam (spices and maizes) to Annalaxmi with his wife Ranganachiyar, in order to allay hunger of all the organisms of the universe.

Srirangam Temple - Three Bramorchavam.

             Every year three Bramorchavams are celebrated in the months of Thai (January), Panguni (March) and Chithirai (April). First Bramorchavam is in the month of Panguni. This festival is celebrated by Bramma (God of creation) and it is called Aadhi Bramorchavam. During this festival Sri Ranganatha swami will be giving blessings to his devotees along with his wife Sri Ranganachyar on the star utra Natchahiram. The second Bramochavam is during the “car festival” (to lead the life peacefully) is celebrated every year in the month of April/May (Tamil month: Chithirai). This is called Chithirai festival. The third Bramochavam is in the month of Thai. Ramar had celebrated a festival in Ayodhi for remembering Sriranganathar. This festival is called Boopathi festival. The wife of Srirenganathar is also called Boomadevi. 
In Tamil ‘Pathi ‘means "Husband" Booma + pathi becomes Boopathi festival.

Dhoti for Srirangam Temple Garudalvar30 meters

               Srirangam temple Garudalvar Sanathi is situated opposite to the Ranganathar Sannathi and it is in the second enclosure of the temple. This Garudalvar is 25 feet in height and he is wearing Asta Nagabaranam (literal: Snakes as cloth). He looks like in the position of worshiping Lord Renganathar, and wearing 30 meters dhoti. Here no abishegam (holy bath) is made to Him. Garudalvar is worshipped by the devotees with Kolukattai (rice based food famous in south india) on every Thursday. Here Sukrivan and Angathan stand on the left and right sides of Garudalvaar like Thuvarabalaga (guards) respectively. Every year Margazhi (December) the days belong to star Thiruvadarai are famous for Garudalvar festivals. 

             Every year on the day of Karthigai visaga yegathesi at the time of valarpirai (growing moon period) in the night Lord Srirnaganathar keeps wearing 365 different types of blankets until the day dawn. 

Srirangam Temple Dhanvandri (God of Medicine)

            God of Medicine looks after the health of all the organisms. He has separate sannidhanam (temple) at srirangam temple near Thayar sannadhi. He has Amirtha (the holy liquid for immortal life) kalasam. On his hand millipede is there (the scientific reason beyond this is, Millipede can suck blood. So the God of Medicine has millipede, in order to suck the infected blood of patient) Mahalaxmi devi dwells at his heart. Those who are sick, who cannot be cured even after they have undergone treatment, should trust Him. Castor oil lamp pooja is the famous festival in this Sannithanam at Srirangam temple.

Three thayars (Goddesses) in one place

            In the Srirangam temple Boomadevi, Sridevei and Utchava Ranga nachyar dwell in the same sanithanam and it becomes the holiest vaishnava temple in India.

         Srirangam temple Swami Sri Ranganatha is lying in the milk ocean (parkadal) and He blesses all the organisms. It is believed that in the early morning Brama (God of creation) worships Sri Ranganatha.

             Srirangam temple Chandar pushkarani (pool) is a remedy offering place for known and unknown committed sins.

            As Thiruppanalvaar (who was an affectionate devotee of Sri Renganathar) was injured by a stone, which was thrown on to him by someone; the immediate moment Lord sriranganathar got bleeding on his head. 

              Daughter of former Delhi Sultan was fall in love with Lord Sri Ranganatha, so that every Yegadesi swami will be wearing Lungi (Islamic cultural dress) to remember the daughter. She possesses a separate temple near Srirenganathar temple and people worship Her. She is called "Thulukka Nachiyar".S

Srirangam Vaikunda Ekadasi

         This festival Celebrated in December to January it is 21 day festival, at the 11th day of festival is called Vaikunda Ekadesi .  In the early morning Namperumal opened the gate of heaven (parama patha vassal) for the people who are being with curse.  It is big festival in srirangam temple.

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