Wednesday 13 March 2013


Tomato Soup


  • Tomatoes big     2
  • Onion big     1
  • Ginger     1 small piece
  • Salt     as per taste
  • Pepper     as per taste
  • Corriander leaves     5 strands
  • Water     4 cups


  • First boil water in a pan then add tomatoes by cutting into halves. Add big pieces of onion to it.
  • Add ginger piece and allow all three to boil till the tomatoes are easy to peal. Then remove from heat.\
  • Allow it to cool remove the ginger piece and remove the outer skin of tomatoes. now grind the onion
  • And tomatoes into a thick paste. you may filter it if necessary. Then to the same water used for boiling pour the juice of the above and keep boiling till it thickens. Add pepper, salt and coriander leaves as per taste and serve not. Add bread sticks to have a added taste.

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