Monday 4 February 2013

Corn and chicken chowder


Cooking time 35-40 minutes. Approx. serves 6-8     

Broiler chicken joints                      -500gms
Water or chicken stock                   -1.2ltrs
Onions                                            -1/2 cup(chopped)
Capsicum                                        -1/2cup(discard seeds)chopped
Celery                                            - 2 stalks (minced)
Parsley                                           - 4-5 sprigs(minced)
Garlic                                             - 2 cloves(minced)
Sweet corn (cream style)                - tin
Noodles(broken into spieces)         – ½ cup
Eggs                                               –2 nos
AJI-NO-MOTO                            –1/4tsp
Tinned mushrooms                         – 3tbsp(drained and sliced)
Salt and pepper                             – to taste


  • Place chicken joints in the cooker pan, along with water and 1 tsp salt. Cover with the lid. 
  • When the water in the cooker begins to boil add onions, capsicum celery, garlic and parsely. 
  • When the chicken is cooked, use tongs to remove the pieces on to a plate. 
  • Drop noodles into the cooking pan. While the noodles cook, debone the chicken, flake the meat
  • And add it to the simmering chowder. Once the noodles are cooked, add sweet corn and mushrooms. Beat the eggs lightly. 
  • When the chowder begins to boil, pour the eggs in the thin stream, stirring the chowder with a fork.
  • So that the eggs set as thin strands. Add pepper, AJI-NO-MOTO and more salt if necessary. 
  • Open the lid only for adding the ingredients and cover immediately.
  •  After the chicken and noodles are boiled take it out and serve it.

Try it and enjoy the delicious dish.

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