Wednesday 13 March 2013


Tomato Soup


  • Tomatoes big     2
  • Onion big     1
  • Ginger     1 small piece
  • Salt     as per taste
  • Pepper     as per taste
  • Corriander leaves     5 strands
  • Water     4 cups


  • First boil water in a pan then add tomatoes by cutting into halves. Add big pieces of onion to it.
  • Add ginger piece and allow all three to boil till the tomatoes are easy to peal. Then remove from heat.\
  • Allow it to cool remove the ginger piece and remove the outer skin of tomatoes. now grind the onion
  • And tomatoes into a thick paste. you may filter it if necessary. Then to the same water used for boiling pour the juice of the above and keep boiling till it thickens. Add pepper, salt and coriander leaves as per taste and serve not. Add bread sticks to have a added taste.


Sweet Potato Soup

cooking time 10-15 mints and around 2 Servings of Sweet Potato Soup.


  • Sweet Potato 2 Medium
  • Onion 1
  • Nutmeg powder a Small Pinch
  • Black Pepper Powder a big Pinch
  • Milk or heavy Cream 1/2 Cup
  • Corn Flour 1 Tbsp
  • Vegetable Stock 1 1/2 Cups
  • Lemon Juice 1 tsp
  • Butter 1 Tbsp
  • Salt to Taste


  • Peel, remove ends, wash and roughly chop sweet potato.
  • Peel and roughly chop the onion.
  • Heat butter in a pan, add corn flour and fry till the mixture turns golden brown in color.
  • Add the chopped onion and sweet potato.
  • Fry briefly, add vegetable stock and salt.
  • Cook the mixture till sweet potato turns soft and vegetable stock reduces quite a bit meanwhile.
  • Remove from heat, puree the sweet potato mixture with milk or heavy cream, black pepper powder, nutmeg powder and lemon juice.
  • Remove the pureed sweet potato soup onto a bowl.
  • Serve sweet potato soup immediately.

Monday 11 March 2013



Cooking time 10-15 mints


  • egg 5
  • onions 2
  • ginger / garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
  • ground pepper 1 tsp
  • salt to taste


  • boil the eggs and peel them and cut it into halves and set aside
  • pour oil in a frying pan
  • add onions and fry till light brown 
  • then add ginger/garlic paste, pepper powder, turmeric powder and salt and fry well with little water to get gravy for 5 mints 
  • now add halved eggs and fry in low heat.
  • care while mixing the gravy and the halved eggs. the eggs shouldnot smash.
  • make this for few seconds then off the gas.
now the hot spicy pepper egg fry ready...



pepper rasam a tasty dish.. :)
cooking time 10 mints


  • 2 tsp thick tamarind juice 
  • 1 1/2 tsp peppr
  • 2 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1 small tomato, chopped small
  • 1 spring curry leaves
  • 1/2 tsp sugar or jaggery water
  • 1 tsp coriander leaves chopped
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 6cups water
  • salt to taste
  • garlic two cloves


  •   Powder the peppercorns and cumin in Mixie
  •   Grind to get a very coarse powder.
  •   Mix together the water, tomato, salt, sugar(jaggery) and tamarind juice.
  •   Bring it to a boil on a low flame.
  •   Season with mustard, jeera, garlic and curry leaves
  •   Add pepper and Jeera powder and boil for 3 minutes
  •  Garnish with chopped coriander.
  •  Eat when hot with plain rice.
have a tasty and hot and spicy pepper rasam.. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

kanjivaram idly

 kanjivaram idly

Cooking time 15-20 minutes. Approx


Raw rice                    – ¾ cup
Par boiled rice            – ¾ cup
Black gram da            –1 cup
Curd                          –1 tbsp
Oil                             – 4 tsp
Cumin seeds              – 1 tsp – crushed
Pepper corn              – 2tsp
Dry ginger powder    – ½ tsp
Sodium-carbonate     -1/2tsp
Salt to taste


  • Cean the rice and dal and soak in water for 3 hours. Grind coarsely (to the size of big rava and make batter as for idlis). Add salt and curds and allow to ferment overnight. Next morning, heat oil, add cumin , pepper and ginger powder. Add  to the batter. Add soda and mix well, then 
  • Oil the idly plates lightly and pour the grind and make it boil for 15 mints.
  • After that take the soft soft idlis and serve hot

Caramel custard

Caramel custard

Cooking time 45 minutes approx.serves 4-6


Milk                    -400ml
Vanilla essence    -1/2tsp
Eggs                    -3nos
Sugar for caramel -3tbsp
Sugar                   -5tbsp


  • Place 3 tablespoons sugar in a puddling would(4 cups capacity) and sprinkle 2 teaspoons water over the mould on a low fame till the sugar melts and turns to a rich brown colour. Remove from fire. In another bowl, beat eggs (if the eggs are taken out of the refrigerator, thaw them before using). Add milk(use warm not hot milk), essence and sugar. Stir till sugar dissolves. Strain this mixture into the pudding mould.
  • Place the cooking  pan and pour enough water to fill up to ½  the level of the mould. Now place the mould in the cooker after covering it with a lid. Cover the cooker. When the water in the pan begins to boil steadily make it the flame low and let the custard cook for 25-30 minutes. the off the stove. Remove from the cooker and allow it to cool. Chill in the regrigerator and turn it on to a serving plate
It is important to make the flame low position when the water in the cooker begins to boil failing which the custard may curdle. 



Cooking time 35 mins. Approx. serves 6-8


Milk                   –1 ½ litres
Basmati rice       – ¾ cup
Milk powder      –6 tbsp (heaped0
Warm water       –1 cup
Badam and pista – few (shredded)
Cardamoms        – 4(powdered)


  • soak rice in water for one hour. Grind 3 tbsp of soaked rice to a smooth paste and keep aside.
  • Pour the milk in the cooking pan and add the rice after draining the water. Stir well.
  •  Add cardamom. Cover with the lid. when the milk starts boiling, make it to light flame.
  • After 25 minutes, add sugar, rice paste and milk powder dissolved in warm water. Mix well 
  • And let the mixture boil for 2-3 the stove and serve garnished with shredded badam and pista
      ½ tin sweetened condensed milk can be used instead of milk powder paste. In this case omit or decrease sugar.

Monday 4 February 2013



Cooking time 35-40 minutes. Approx. serves 6-8     

Vegetables (cauliflower, mushrooms and carrots )    -500gms
Water or vegetable stock                                        -1.2ltrs
Onions                                                                   -1/2 cup(chopped)
Capsicum                                                               -1/2cup(discard seeds)chopped
Celery                                                                    -2 stalks (minced)
Parsley                                                                   - 4-5 sprigs(minced)
Garlic                                                                     - 2 cloves(minced)
Sweet corn (cream style)                                        – tin
Noodles(broken into spieces)                                 – ½ cup
Eggs                                                                       – 2 nos
AJI-NO-MOTO                                                    – 1/4tsp
Tinned mushrooms                                                  – 3tbsp(drained and sliced)
Salt and pepper                                                       – to taste


·         Place vegetables in the cooker pan, along with water and 1 tsp salt. Cover with the lid. 
·         When the water in the cooker begins to boil add onions, capsicum celery, garlic and parsley. 
·         When the vegetables are cooked, use tongs to remove the vegetables on to a plate. 
·         Drop noodles into the cooking pan. While the noodles cook
·       Add the simmering chowder to the vegetables. Once the noodles are cooked, add sweet corn and mushrooms. Beat the eggs lightly. 
·         When the chowder begins to boil, pour the eggs in the thin stream, stirring the chowder with a fork.
·         So that the eggs set as thin strands. Add pepper, AJI-NO-MOTO and more salt if necessary. 
·         Open the lid only for adding the ingredients and cover immediately.
·         After the vegetables and noodles are boiled take it out and serve it.
Try it and enjoy the delicious dish.

Corn and chicken chowder


Cooking time 35-40 minutes. Approx. serves 6-8     

Broiler chicken joints                      -500gms
Water or chicken stock                   -1.2ltrs
Onions                                            -1/2 cup(chopped)
Capsicum                                        -1/2cup(discard seeds)chopped
Celery                                            - 2 stalks (minced)
Parsley                                           - 4-5 sprigs(minced)
Garlic                                             - 2 cloves(minced)
Sweet corn (cream style)                - tin
Noodles(broken into spieces)         – ½ cup
Eggs                                               –2 nos
AJI-NO-MOTO                            –1/4tsp
Tinned mushrooms                         – 3tbsp(drained and sliced)
Salt and pepper                             – to taste


  • Place chicken joints in the cooker pan, along with water and 1 tsp salt. Cover with the lid. 
  • When the water in the cooker begins to boil add onions, capsicum celery, garlic and parsely. 
  • When the chicken is cooked, use tongs to remove the pieces on to a plate. 
  • Drop noodles into the cooking pan. While the noodles cook, debone the chicken, flake the meat
  • And add it to the simmering chowder. Once the noodles are cooked, add sweet corn and mushrooms. Beat the eggs lightly. 
  • When the chowder begins to boil, pour the eggs in the thin stream, stirring the chowder with a fork.
  • So that the eggs set as thin strands. Add pepper, AJI-NO-MOTO and more salt if necessary. 
  • Open the lid only for adding the ingredients and cover immediately.
  •  After the chicken and noodles are boiled take it out and serve it.

Try it and enjoy the delicious dish.




Roasted semolina (rava) – 2 cups
Sugar                             – 2 cups
Water                            – 4 cups
Ghee                              – ¾- 1 cup
Roasted cashew nuts,
Cardamom powder and
Orange red colour – pinch


Place the cooking pan over the stove, add water make it boil for 1 mints then add 2 cups of sugar make dissolve well then add 2 cups of roasted rava, then add ghee and mix it well then add the orange red colour & cardamom powder and ghee, mix well,  cover with the lid and  make it to boil for  15-20 minutes. If there is excess liquid mix well till it becoming dry. Then transfer the kesari to serving dish and decorate with roasted cashew nuts and grapes to have a good presentation

Try it and have a tasty sweet..

Chicken biryani


Cooking time 20-25 mins. Approx. serves 4-6


Basmati rice         – 2 cups
Water                  – 4-41/2 cups
Chicken               – 1 (about 800 gms)
Curds                  – ½ cups
Chilli powder       – ½ tsp
Ginger – 2 cms,Garlic – 4 cloves = grind together
Salt                     – to taste
AJI-NO-MOTO – ½ tsp
Green chillies       – 4-6 nos(chopped)
Onions                – 5 nos sliced
Mint leaves         – 2 tbsps
Coriander leaves – 2 tbsps
Ghee                  – 6 tbsp
Cardamom – 5nos,cloves – 5nos, cinnamon – 3nos, poppy seeds – 2tsp = powder to gether


  • Clean and squeeze dry the Skin and joint the chicken.
  • Mix with curds, one teaspoon salt, chilli powder and ginger-garlic paste.
  • Soak for two hours. Clean the rice. Place over the cooker.
  • Add water, the remaining salt and  AJI-NO-MOTO. 
  • Heat ghee in a kadai and fry onions till brown and crisp.
  • Add the chicken with curds. Fry till the liquid is absorbed. 
  • Add the powdered ingredients, mint and coriander leaves. 
  • Remove from fire add to the rice in the cooker.
  • Mix well and replace the lid. 
  • When the rice is done, the switch off the stove.
  • keep it in tham, after 15 minutes,mix gently and serve hot or allow to keep warm till time to serve. Garnish if desired with boiled eggs and fried nuts.
  • slice and use the eggs to garnish the biryani
Try it and enjoy the delicious taste

Vegetable biryani


Cooking time 20-25 mins approx serves 4-6


Basmati rice                                         -2cups
Water                                                  - 4cups
Cleaned mincemeat                              - 350gms
Curd                                                    - ½ cup
Onions                                                 - 3nos (sliced)
Bay leaf                                               - 1 no
Shahjeera                                             - ½ tsp
Ghee                                                    - 5tbsp
Mint, coriander leaves                           -2 tbsp each (chopped)
Salt                                                      - to taste

To be ground to a paste

Ginger                                                 – 3cms
Garlic                                                  – 8 cloves
Green chillies                                      – 3nos
Poppy seeds                                        – 2 tsp
Fennel                                                  – 2tsp
Coriander powder                               - 2 tsp
Chilli powder                                      – ½ tsp
Cloves                                                 - 4 nos


1.      Pour water over the cooking pan. Add the cleaned rice. Cover with the lid and allow rice to soak for 15 minutes.
2.      Add salt and diced vegetables.
3.      Heat ghee in a “kadai.”
4.      Add shahjeera and bay leaf. Add sliced onion and fry till brown.
5.      Add the ground masala, fry for 2 minutes. Add mint and coriander leaves.
6.      Remove from fire and add the contents to the rice cooking pan. Stir gently and replace the lid.  Stirring the biryani gently once half way through the cooking helps to distribute the flavours and seasoning uniformly. And cover the lid, till it cooked
7.      Let the biryani in steam for 10-15 minutes (tham). Mix the biryani lightly before serving.
8.      After that take it in a serving bowl. Biryani can be garnished with fried nuts, raisins and boiled eggs
(Use 1 ½ times the quantities of the ingredients mentioned above if desired, serves 6-8)

just try it and have a deliecious food

Indian cheese cake

Indian cheese cake

Cooking time 1 hour approx serves 6-8 using the electronic cooker


Curds                          - 3cups
Milk                            - 1cup
Condensed milk          - 1 cup
Cardamom powder     -1/4tsp
Saffron                        - a pinch dissolved in 1tsp of warm water
Fruits and nuts             -to decorate


  • Pour curds into a fine strainer. 
  • When some of  the water is drained and the curd is reduced to 1 cup, pour into a bowl and beat till smooth.
  • Add milk, condensed milk, cardamom and saffron. 
  • Mix well, pour into a pudding dish. 
  • Pour enough water in the cooker pan to fill up to half the level of the mould. 
  • Place the mould into the cooker pan over an upturned cooking plate and cover with a lid.
  • Cover the pan with the lid. Switch on to cooking.
  • When the water in the cooker begins to boil, push the switch manually to keep warm
  • Position.
  • Swith off when the cake is set (about 40 minutes) and remove the mould. 
  • Cool and chill in the regrigerator. Serve, decorated with fruits and nuts. 

Try it and enjoy the dish.. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Rice idly

Rice idly with variation for kanjivaram idly

cooking time 15-20 mins


Black gram dal – 1 cup
Par boiled rice – 3 cups
Salt -  to taste


  • Wash and soak rice in water for 3-4 hours and dal for 1-2 hours. Grind dal to soft fluffy paste. Grind rice to the consistency of fine rava. Mix both, add salt and enough water to get a batter of medium thickness allow to ferment overnight.
  • Pour3/4 – 1 cup of water over the cooking pan.
  •  Grease the idly stand with oil or ghee and fill the cups with batter.
  •  When the water in the pan begins to boil, place the idly stand in it. 
  • Cover the pan with the lid. Steam the idlis for  15 minutes. 
  • Remove the stand from the cooker.
  •  Cool slightly and ease out the idlis.
  •  The extra batter can be stored in the refrigerator and used as required. 
  • But remove it from the refrigerator at least half an hour before steaming idlis.

Vegetable soup


Cooking time 20 minutes. Serves 6-8


  • Potatoes         -2 nos medium size
  • Onions           -2nos medium size
  • Carrouts         -2nos medium size
  • Turnip             -1 no medium size
  • Tender beans  - 10nos
  • Cabbage         -1 piece(100gms)
  • Garlic              -8cloves
  • Celery             -3stalks
  • Tomato           -1large(hybrid quality)
  • Water or vegetable-8cups
  • Stock/milk             -1cup
  • Salt and pepper     - to taste
  • AJI-NO-MOTO   -1pinch
  • Garnish-croutons and grated cheese

  • Peel, de-seed and chop the tomato, shared the cabbage. Mince all the other vegetables and garlic.
  •  Place in the pan add water and cover with the lid.
  •  cook till the vegetables are very soft.using a ladle, strain out 2 cups of cooked vegetables 
  • And blend in a mixer with the milk return the puree to the pan.
  • Season to taste with salt, pepper and AJI-NO-MOTO replace the lid.
  • When the soup begins to boil again, switch off the stove
  • And serve the soup hot, garnished with croutons and grated cheese. 
  • Use ½ qutantiy of the ingredients mentioned above to serve 2-3 . time 15-20 mints